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SPM: Park FX-40

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Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) generally refers to a set of surface characterization techniques that utilize micro-machined cantilever probes with sharp tips to scan the sample surface. Since its inception in the 1980s, SPM has evolved into one of the most powerful tools for nanoscale measurement and imaging. High resolution topographical surface characterization is perhaps the most common use of the SPM, but a wide range of advanced SPM modes are also available to study the electrical, magnetic, and mechanical properties of surfaces. 

We have two Park Systems scanning probe microscopes: FX-40 and NX-10. Unlike conventional tube scanner technology, the Park systems feature decoupled flexure-guided X, Y and Z scanners with zero background curvature. The Z-servo response is also considerably higher than that of conventional tube scanners, thus enabling true Non-Contact mode. The machine accommodates samples up to 200 mm in diameter and has a maximum scan size of 100 X 100 μm. The Z range is 15 μm, has automated tip exchange, and the instrument has a photoionizer to minimize electrostatic charge. 

Below is a list of AFM modes available on the FX-40:

  • Contact AFM
  • True Non-Contact AFM
  • Lateral Force Microscopy  
  • Force Distance Spectroscopy
  • Phase Imaging
  • Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy
  • Photo Current Mapping
  • Electric Force Microscopy (EFM, DC-EFM, External EFM)
  • Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
  • Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
  • Scanning Capacitance Microscopy
  • Lithography


Accessories include:

  • Heating stage for controlled elevated temperature studies (up to 250 °C).
  • High voltage amplifier to apply high voltage bias to a tip  ±175 V 

Research Examples


Getting Started and Training Information

In order to become a qualified user on the Park FX-40, you need to follow each of these steps in the order as listed here:

  1. Complete the process to become a lab member of SNSF and follow the instructions to activate a Badger account.
  2. Access the online training by clicking here. Select the Scanning Probe & Atomic Force Microscopy icon at the bottom of the screen. Complete the Theory, Practical, and Assessments tabs of the online training module. Save the “Virtual SPM” image from the Practical tab and “Test Results” from the Assessments tab for the new user intake form.
  3. Complete the safety training to Access McCullough.
  4. Complete the SPM New User Intake Form.

Basic training for SPM requires one 2-hour group session followed by a second, one-on-one session, ideally with the trainee’s own sample. Those interested in training should contact the SPM lab managers to make an appointment. Additional training in specific SPM techniques will be available on as as-needed basis following completion of the basic training.