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Horiba XploRA+ Confocal Raman System

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Confocal Raman spectroscopy and imaging provides specific chemical information about your nano-materials, with sub-micron spatial resolution. The HORIBA Scientific XploRA+ Confocal Raman Optical Microscope features

  • Fully automated confocal raman microscope with 10X and 100X objectives
  • 3 laser sources: 532nm, 638nm, 785 nm
  • X, Y & Z mapping options
  • Polarization and Macro adaption kits
  • Raman ready CCD detector

Getting Started and Training Information

In order to become a qualified user on the Horiba Raman System, you need to follow each of these steps in the order as listed here:

  1. Complete the process to become a lab member of SNSF and follow the instructions to activate a Badger account.
  2. Complete the Raman New User Intake Form.
  3. Complete the  Safety Training for McCullough.
  4. Read the Horiba XplorRA+ Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
  5. Watch the Horiba XploRA+ Training Videos.
  6. Take the Raman Quiz.
  7. Subscribe to the Raman User mailing list.
  8. Email to schedule a 1.5 hr hour qualification session. Provide your schedule availability to speed up scheduling.


Horiba XplorRA+ Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Brochure of our Horiba Xplora Confocal Raman Microscope: Link

Presentation on combining Raman and Hyperspectral Imaging (CytoViva): Link

Raman FAQs

Raman Applications Library

Energy Unit Conversion Calculator