TEM Sample Preparation Lab
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The TEM sample prep room is in Moore 184 and features the following equipment:
- Gatan Precision Ion Polishing System II Model 695
- Variable ion energy from 0.1 – 8.0 kV
- LN2 specimen cooling
- Digital zoom microscope
- Gatan Dimpler Model 656
- Provides a mechanical grinding technique for quickly producing a thin central region (< 10µm) in a disc while leaving a thick supporting rim for handling the sample
- South Bay Technology Model 360 rotary disk cutter
- South Bay Technology Model 650 slow speed saw
- Nikon LV100D optical microscope with image capture
- Buehler polisher/grinders, heaters, small optical microscopes
Getting Started and Training Information
In order to become a qualified user of the TEM Sample Preparation Lab, you need to follow each of these steps in the order as listed here:
- Complete the process to become a lab member of SNSF and follow the instructions to activate a Badger account.
- Contact nano-temstaff@lists.stanford.edu to discuss your TEM sample preparation needs.