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TEM: Thermo Fisher Spectra Double-Corrected Transmission Electron Microscope

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SNSF has successfully commissioned the new state-of-the-art Thermo Fisher Spectra 300 monochromated, double-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope in June 2023. The main features of the TEM are:

  • Accelerating Voltages at 30, 60, 80, and 300 kV
  • High Brightness Schottky field emission gun ( X-FEG)
  • Monochromator
  • Cs CETCOR/S-CORR double correctors
  • Advanced STEM imaging, 4k×4k STEM data acquisition, EMPAD, 4D STEM
  • SuperX energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS ) detectors
  • Ceta-S camera with speed enhancement capabilities
  • Gatan K3 camera for low dose imaging
  • Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) with dual EELS GIF continuum spectrometer
  • TEM, STEM, and EDS tomography with acquisition, reconstruction (Inspect3D) and analysis (Avizo) softwares

Instrument Resolution:

  • Information Limit  (TEM mode): 0.7 Å
  • Probe resolution (STEM mode): 0.5 Å
  • Energy resolution at 300 kV (with monochromator): 110 meV
  • Energy resolution at 60 kV (with monochromator): 20 meV
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Getting Started and Training Information

In order to become a qualified user on the ThermoFisher Spectra S-TEM, the following steps need to be completed:

  1. Become a lab member of SNSF and follow the instructions to activate a Badger account.
  2. Add yourself to the Spectra users mailing list to receive system status updates by going to, scrolling down to "Manage Subscriptions" and searching "nano-tem-spectra"; fill out the information requested to subscribe.
  3. Complete the training for the FEI Tecnai TEM or FEI Titan TEM Before being considered for training on the Spectra S-TEM, you must first be a fully qualified and proficient user of the Tecnai or Titan. 
  4. Complete the training request form to coordinate subsequent training. Basic Spectra training consists of the microscope alignments and aberration (image  and probe corrector) tuning, typically completed in four 2-hour sessions and a 2-hour final. Additional observation by staff required during first two independent sessions.
  5. Further training on specific techniques can be requested following basic training, which includes the following: 
EDS Analysis4D STEM
TEM TomographyMonochromator Training (imaging or EELS)
STEM TomographyEELS and EFTEM
Lorentz ImagingElectron Holography

The Materials Science and Engineering Department at Stanford also offers accredited courses on TEM theory and TEM laboratory.

Contact Information

Spilker 008K (Spectra)