Horiba Labram HR Evolution Raman System
Confocal Raman spectroscopy and imaging provides specific chemical information about your nano-materials, with sub-micron spatial resolution. The HORIBA Scientific LabRAM HR Evolution spectrometer, seamlessly integrated with AIST-NT’s SmartSPM Scanning Probe Microscope, offers the most versatile and reliable platform for both fast simultaneous co-localized Raman-AFM and TERS measurements. Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) provides the chemical specificity of Raman spectroscopy with imaging at spatial resolution typically down to 10nm. The system may also be used for Raman or AFM only measurements.
- 4 laser sources: 405 nm, 532 nm, 633 nm, 785 nm
- There are three grating options that you can use with the LabRam. By selecting either the 300 l/mm, 600 l/mm, or 1800 l/mm the user can optimize their signal intensity, measurement range, and spectral resolution for their experimental needs.
- Automated mapping routines enable precise measurement of surface features. Rough surfaces can be maps using the Duoscan feature and SWIFT Mode minimizes data processing delays.
- Stokes or anti-stokes Raman scattering modes can be measured.
- Custom software allows the user adjusting laser intensity, scan range, and a variety of other measurement and acquisition parameters to fine tune the measurement to the specific needs of their samples.
Please note that while the instrument is available for general use, the TERS technique is still under development.
Getting Started and Training Information
In order to become a qualified user on the Horiba Raman System, you need to follow each of these steps in the order as listed here:
- Complete the process to become a lab member of SNSF and follow the instructions to activate a Badger account.
- Complete the Raman New User Intake Form.
- Complete the Safety Training for McCullough.
- Read the Horiba Labram Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
- Watch the Horiba Labram Training Videos.
- Take the Raman Quiz.
- Subscribe to the Raman User mailing list.
- Email nano-ramanstaff@lists.stanford.edu to schedule a 1.5 hour qualification session. Provide your schedule availability to speed up scheduling.