External Users
Jump To: Eligibility | What To Expect | Step-By-Step Instructions
Lab Membership at SNSF is open to anyone from any academic, government, private or industrial organization for any type of research and development activity acceptable within Stanford University Academic Research Policies and Procedures. Commercial activities (ie production of devices for sale) are strictly prohibited; although broadly defined R&D, such as development of prototypes, are within the scope of acceptable activities. Compliance with policies that govern Stanford's operations of the service centers might result in limited access to the service centers.
What To Expect
Most of the research performed at SNSF is conducted by the labmembers themselves. Our general mode of operation is to train labmembers on the equipment and qualify them afterwards so that research can be performed by them without further assistance by SNSF staff. SNSF facilities and resources are generally available to authorized users 24/7.
Step-By-Step Instructions to Join SNSF
Please follow these instructions in order. We will not be able to process subsequent steps without having completed prior ones.
Important: SNSF charges non-refundable account setup and annual user fees besides usage fees. Please review our rate sheet for more details before proceeding.
1.1 | Initiation Request |
2.1 | Institution: Agreement |
2.2 | Financial Account: Purchase Order |
2.3 | Financial Account: Retainer |
Note: Once the account is established (steps 1-2), individual users start at step 3. | |
3.1 | User: Account Request |
3.2 | User: Online Safety Training |
3.3 | User: Lab Management Software Account |
4.1 | User: Instrument Training |
Questions? Send email to nano-admin-external@lists.stanford.edu.