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Prusa i3 MK3S+ 3D Printer

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The Prusa i3 MK3S+ 3D Printer is located in Moore 184. 

The Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ is the last version of our award-winning MK3 3D printer line. We have upgraded the MK3S with a brand new SuperPINDA probe for improved first layer calibration, added high-quality bearings and various useful design tweaks to make the printer easier to assemble and maintain. The MK3S+ includes all the proven features of the previous models, including the heatbed with removable PEI spring steel print sheets, automatic Mesh Bed Leveling, filament sensor, power loss recovery (power panic) and safety features. And it is still as silent as ever!

Please note that the printer is a community supported printer. Usage should be reasonable and in consideration of the community. Please help us support this instrument by adding to training materials and support operations of the printer.

Getting Started and Training Information

In order to become a qualified user of the 3D Printer, you need to follow each of these steps in the order as listed here:

  1. Complete the process to become a lab member of SNSF and follow the instructions to activate a Badger account.
  2. Send an email to to request training.