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Nanopatterning Cleanroom (NPC)

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The Nanopatterning Cleanroom (NPC) is an approximately 2000 square feet cleanroom facility and hosts the Raith EBPG 5200+ EBL systems, FEI Nova NanoSEM, KJL evaporators, Oxford reactive ion etcher, wet benches, optical microscopes and other supporting equipment. The cleanroom is located in the basement of the Spilker Building, suite 006. Lab users pay a daily fee when they want to access the lab. The fee is to cover costs such as cleanroom supplies, repairs and maintenance of equipment, gases, chemicals, cleanroom apparel, etc.

The following lists equipment available inside the cleanroom:

Visiting the Nanopatterning Cleanroom

Current, experienced Nanopatterning Cleanroom labmembers (users who have completed the lab safety tour) can request for permission to bring a visitor (individuals who have not completed the lab safety tour and been granted access to the Nanopatterning Cleanroom) into the cleanroom with them. If permission is granted, the NPC labmember will be responsible for the visitor’s safety and ensure that they follow all SNSF and NPC policies.

Both the visitor and the NPC labmember must jointly fill out the Visitor Request Form. Staff will email both the visitor and the NPC user notifying them on whether or not permission has been granted to the visitor to enter the cleanroom with their NPC labmember escort. It is recommended to submit the form at least a day in advance to allow time for staff to review the request.

Contact Information
Grant Shao, Jason Tower, Chris Lung, Stanley Lin, Rich Tiberio

Getting Started and Training Information

In order to become a qualified user of the Nanopatterning Cleanroom, you need to follow each of these steps in the order as listed here:

  1. Complete the process to become a lab member of SNSF and follow the instructions to activate a Badger account.
  2. Review the General Cleanroom Manual.
  3. (Optional) Watch the Nanopatterning Cleanroom Virtual Lab Safety Tour video.
    • This video was made during COVID-19 and portions of it are no longer valid. It can still be a helpful preview to the lab safety tour, but please review the updated policies in the General Cleanroom Manual. The in-person lab safety tour will also cover the current policies of anything that may have changed since the video was made.
  4. Pass (100%) and complete the FCR / NPC Cleanroom Safety Quiz.
  5. Email to schedule your lab safety tour, or reply to the automatic email after passing the safety quiz.
    • You will complete a final check-off form certifying that you will adhere to all policies and guidelines as a lab member at the end of the tour.
  6. After the lab safety tour, staff will request card key access. Only after you have full card key access to the lab, are you allowed to enter the lab and schedule training on the tools.
  7. Please see the respective tool webpages for training information.